Tuesday, November 19, 2013

How To Be Happy With Cola In And Around Your House

Cola is heaven, it is divine, yes you read it right. Of course you shouldn't drink it, unless you are tired of life. For our body Cola is like poison. But did you know there are many other great ways you can use it? Here are a few of my most popular applications for Cola.You don't need expensive Cola brands, the cheep ones work just fine! But it's up to you! I guarantee it will put a happy smile on your face! Enjoy!

1:  Clean your toilet!

Do you buy expensive toilet cleaners? You don't need to! It's a waste of money. Simply use 1 cup of Cola in the toilet, let it soak for about 1 hour, flush your toilet and use the toilet brush 1 more time, you're done! If your toilet is really dirty you can let the Cola soak for 1 night and repeat this procedure. Clean toilet guaranteed!

2:  Remove rust stains!

You need 1 glass of Cola and a piece of tinfoil. Dip the tinfoil in Cola and use this to clean the rust stains. They will disappear! Easy as 1,2,3 !

3: Loosening rusted bolts!

Grab an old cloth and soak it in Cola. Wrap the cloth around the bolt(s) and leave it there for a while. After about 15 minutes you can unscrew the rusted bolt(s) easily!

4:  Cleaning coins!

It is not a myth. Cola cleans your (copper) coins, bathe them in a glass of Cola for 1 night and they come out of it shining like they are new. You'll be amazed!

5:  Clean the battery of your car with Cola!

Dirty or rusted car battery? No problem. A glass of Cola will fix your problem! Just rinse it over your car battery and wait a while. The rust and corrosion will disappear. Flush with some clean water.

6:  Flowers love Cola too!

Have a glass of Cola together with your fresh flowers! You drink 3/4 of your glass and the remaining 25% is for them, just add it to their water. Also works with seven up by the way! And your plants love a little bit of Cola in the water too!

7:  Remove chewing gum out of your hair with Cola!

A lot of kids and even some adults, get chewing gum in their hair by accident. Don't ask me how they do that. But I know how to fix it... with Cola! Wash the affected area with 1 glass of Cola. Within a few minutes you can remove the chewing gum. Rinse afterwards with water. 

8:  Sink a bit clogged? No problem!

 Is your sink a bit clogged? Don't panic and forget about all those expensive drain cleaners. Cola will save you! Just add 1 bottle of Cola to your sink every 2 or 3 weeks will prevent your sink from getting clogged. If your sink is already clogged I have 1 more tip: add 4 tablespoons of baking soda and rinse with a liter of hot water, repeat if needed! 

9: Remove oil stains from floors/stones

Spoiled some oil while working in the garage? No problem! Mix 1 glass of Cola and 1/2 glass of bleach  throw this over your oil stain(s), wait 10 minutes and then wipe it clean. You're done!

10: Cure food poisoning or prevent yourself from getting it!

Eaten something you shouldn't that made you feel sick, or in other words: suffering from food poisoning  Drink a can of Cola! If you're ever in a country with water and/or food you don't trust, drink 1 can of Cola a day to prevent yourself from getting sick. 

Glass of Cola anyone? My treat! Cheers!

Image Credit: http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5291/5476776103_680fe8332b_z.jpg


  1. I've heard of a few of these use for cola but watering the plants with it is a new one for me. I think I would rather not, here in Florida, we have sugar ant issues and that cola would attract them big time.

    1. I'm not sure, because you also use a lot of water, just add a little bit to your watering can, it helps your plants grow beautiful!
