Thursday, November 21, 2013

Feel Happier By Becoming A Better Giver And Receiver

Francis Of Assisi was a wise man. I love his famous words: “For it is in giving that we receive”. How true is that! Simple words with so much wisdom! A great life lesson learned. The world and your word can really become a better place if we practice to become better givers and receivers!

5 Acts that make you Happier

If you want to improve your happiness, a great way to do so, is by doing something good to other people, without expecting something in return. Showing your gratitude towards someone else is also a great way to feel happier. You can say "Thank you" or you can also write a "Thank you" letter or postcard. 

The same goes for giving away something to others. This can be anything: from giving a present to someone you love to offering your sweet smile or silently give your blessings to people. This can be to someone you know or to strangers. Did you know that only 5 of these acts per week will make you a happier person? And you support other peoples happiness too! Ain't that a great thing!

Give away happiness on a budget is easy!

Doing something for other people is 100% free and means the world to the receiver. What about visiting someone who is lonely? Or doing groceries for people who can't do this by themselves! Doing volunteer work is also a great way to give some of your time to society. By making someone else happy, you'll feel happy yourself in return! Making someones day always gives a good feeling. Following your heart is also showing you take yourself serious, that you’re connected to your inner guidance and intuition.

You can also give away your well meant compliments. Or a warm and loving hug. There are so many ways you can share your love with the world. So even when you're on a budget it is possible to give a precious gift! And you know what's so funny about giving? If you give without expectations you'll always get something in return. A happy feeling for sure, but often you get much more.

Stimulating and motivating others to spread happiness

Be open to receive compliments, beauty around you, smiles of people you know or from strangers. Say thanks to the Universe every time you receive and keep on sharing your happiness and love. The more you do this, the better the results will be. Let the energy flow and notice the huge differences in a relative short period of time.

If you offer your acts of kindness to society, another good thing is, that it spreads like a virus. People around you will follow your good example. They will feel stimulated and motivated to do the same. This way, you help others indirectly to become happier themselves. The more happy people around you, the happier your world will be, and the world of others as well!

Keep the energy flowing! Be a great giver and receiver and feel gratitude for all the good things the world offers you and the wonderful things YOU offer to the world. Be creative when offering your gifts to the world. Keep your eyes open for the needs around you. And you’ll notice your needs will be met in return. This creates a positive circle!

What can you offer the world today? Go for it and spread the joy of giving and receiving!


  1. Agreed! I hope that I bring happiness to others through spreading a bit o' sunshine into their day. Actually, I am sure that I do as it bounces right back to me, tenfold.

    1. You sure spread a lot of happiness Ruth! And you more than deserve it that it bounces back to you, I'm sure it will!

  2. Great post! It is very inspirational and all of it is true.
